Yes, it gets cleaned up in the translation to the page, but when was the last time our fearless shrub-like leader was so eloquest? When was the last time he was this eloquent speaking extemporaneaously? Sure, Robert Byrd has his faults, but this kinda stuff washes away alotta sins... Link: Senate Remarks: Rush to War Ignores U.S. Constitution
The Yanks are out of the post season. To be expected when they inexplicably lost their patience at the plate all season long. Now I'm going to root for the Twins. Just to see that po-faced goon Bud Selig have to give the trophy to the team he tried to contract!! (BTW: Since the advent of revanue sharing and salary caps in the NFL, and even adjusting for the extra levels of post-season play, there have been more different teams in the World Series than in the Super Bowl.)
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