in lieu of radio ...

a somewhat random collection of pages and thoughts started sept 16 2001. now that i'm not on the radio 6 hours every day, blogger allows all of us to harangue...

Saturday, January 05, 2002

Once again we ask, why are folks still using IE and/or NET/Passport? If you must use it, here's why you should patch it, early and often. "Ditch IE" - says veteran bug hunter(Reg., UK).
More from MS themselves MS sounds Passport IE patch alarm (ZDNet, US).
The fact that MS still get millions of folks to use their stuff is amazing. Their PR machine must work 25/7/365 Trojan horse conveys IE users to porn.
Of course, our own favourite browser is not immune, but the problem is smaller and easier to fix.

Who'da thunk? Face recognition technology a proven farce (Reg., UK)


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