in lieu of radio ...

a somewhat random collection of pages and thoughts started sept 16 2001. now that i'm not on the radio 6 hours every day, blogger allows all of us to harangue...

Monday, November 26, 2001

Was away for a coupla days. So stuff has come and gone in the interim. Will try to be a little more dilligent, but who knows...

Frank Rich in the Times has a not-too-Chicken-Little take on the Bush/Ashcroft assault on the Bill of Rights Wait Until Dark

You didn't hear me say it, but those goons in the militia have occasionally got a point... here's a beauty from the FBI front (135k) and back (165k) - As Monty Python once said: "OOOOh, what a giveaway!"
(I wonder if they'll put me back on the list now... the FBI, i mean)


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