in lieu of radio ...

a somewhat random collection of pages and thoughts started sept 16 2001. now that i'm not on the radio 6 hours every day, blogger allows all of us to harangue...

Wednesday, September 19, 2001

There are a number of new tragedies the USA may invite in its response to last week's suicide hijackings in New York and Washington, the most ironic of which would be to give Osama bin Laden exactly what he wants.
By Thomas C Greene in Washington Posted: 20/09/2001 at 00:08 GMT Link: USA is playing into bin Laden's hands

One of the stupidest, most badly argued and confusing Microsoft "Tying" apologia ever (check out the reader responses for some real fun!)
Link: ZD Net should know better

If any are interested, here's a simple online petition that urges our leader to keep their heads and not escalate the violence:
(thanks to K for the Link:) Petition

We've been hearing the "war" word alot and i think we should think about that word. If the President declared "war" and the Congress actually does the same then it's official. If it's official then does that mean that Bin Laden (for example) gets to justify shit more easily? Perhaps we might think about calling these attacks crimes against humanity. We have laws to deal with that. There are even tribunals (although the US has blocked the most recent attempts to form an ongoing tribunal) and other international structures to deal with these crimes
Benjamin Ferencz has was part of the Nurenburg Trials and has been dealing with these sorts of crimes for a long time. Link: Ben Ferencz

Funny (in a darkish way)
thanks to L for the Link: Lake America

That Clear Channel List of Banned Songs?
Maybe a hoax, maybe not. Snopes has an angle, as always. Link: Songlist?

This One you CAN post
One of my correspondents was angry that i posted what was apparently a personal note rather than an actual response to the original polemic. A week has gone by and my correspondent has sent This response which is long and impassioned.

Bush Bill Re-writes Spy Laws
Link: Watch your 4th ammendment... or your 5th ... or your 6th...

Excellent BBC article
Very thorough and well explained. Link:Explaining Arab Anger

Has the US commited "atrocities"? (from the ever-reliable and disciplined ConterPunch and their associated zealots)
Link: You bet


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