Just starting the blog with some very basic links i've collected. also the original polemic "treasured folks" from wednesday night sept 12 2001 and some of the responses to it
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The Original Polemic, and responses to it
The Original Polemic from Wed. night Sept 12 2001
First Responses to Polemic
One of the second round of responses
Some cut sites about terrorism, (cut and paste URLs)
Bill of Rights aspects?
Senate OKs FBI Net Spying
By Declan McCullagh, 12:55 p.m. Sep. 14, 2001 PDT
On Thursday evening, two days after the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history, the Senate approved the "Combating Terrorism Act of 2001," which enhances police wiretap powers and permits monitoring in more situations. Link:
More Carnivore?
Lawmakers See Need to Loosen Rules on C.I.A.
The Congressional leaders who oversee the nation's intelligence system have concluded that America's spy agencies should be allowed to combat terrorism with more aggressive tactics, including the hiring of unsavory foreign agents. Link:
CIA gets a boost
Commentary From Abroad
Americans cannot ignore what their government does abroad
Seumas Milne,Thursday September 13, 2001,The Guardian (UK)
They can't see why they are hated
Don't inflate the size of the enemy to fit the crime
As in the Cuban missile crisis, the president still has choices.
Martin Woollacott, Friday September 14, 2001, The Guardian (UK)
Link: Presidential Choices
Too close for comfort
Standing shoulder to shoulder with the American people should not mean subjection to US policy
Nick Cohen, Sunday September 16, 2001, The Observer (UK)
Some Brits are worried that Tony will get too close to the American Shrub Link: UK Too Close for comfort
Our poor, our weak, our hungry
American people are beginning to understand their connection to the whole world. Their leaders must understand it too.
Ahdaf Soueif, Saturday September 15, 2001, The Guardian (UK)
Link: US People now connected to world
September 11 is a consequence of trying to impose world order, not a wake-up call to redouble the attempt. September 11 is a demonstration of what you can never achieve with armies, spies, coalitions, conferences and international muscle, not an argument for buying more.
Link: The Bigger They Come...
Only love and then oblivion. Love was all they had to set against their murderers
Ian McEwan, Saturday September 15, 2001, The Guardian
Remarkable, eloquent and sensitive view from McEwan Link:Only Love
Scripting News Mail Page (sept 12 to 14)
This site is usually about computers and open communication. A good page of missives from all over Link:Scripting News Mail Page
Apparently legit, well posited. Interesting discussion of US troops. Link: Letter from a worried Afghani