in lieu of radio ...

a somewhat random collection of pages and thoughts started sept 16 2001. now that i'm not on the radio 6 hours every day, blogger allows all of us to harangue...

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

What You Buy Affects Recommendations On, Too; Why the Cartoons? Link: ...My TiVo Thinks I'm Gay!! (

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

...wearing nothing but the afternoon rain... West Marin women strip for peace (thanks to L for the link)

Robert Byrd, a lonely voice in the wilds of a Congress hell-bent on a Gestapo for the USA... THE HOMELAND SECURITY ACT OF 2002
[Excerpted from Congressional Record of 11/14/02]

Friday, November 08, 2002

In Washington the Department of Justice's chief Antitrust enforcer Charles James said that it isn't the job of the Antitrust division to enforce the settlement with Microsoft. James said that enforcement should be performed by the nine dissenting States. James leaves on November 22 to join ChevronTexaco Corporation. (The Register, UK)

William Rivers Pitt: The leadership of the Democratic Party must bear the full burden of responsibility for this calamity. The incredible Democratic defeats that came during this midterm election did not happen because America is a conservative Republican nation. These defeats came because, in the absence of real leadership, the people will look to any fool who steps to a microphone. In the absence of real leadership, those wise enough to ignore fools will also eschew the polls. The policy of appeasement proffered by the Democratic leadership - go along with tax cuts, go along with the PATRIOT Act, go along with the Iraq war resolution, virtual silence regarding corporate criminality - stripped the leadership and the party of any ability to argue in favor of a Democratic vote. Link: There Have Been Worse Days (t r u t h o u t)

Monday, November 04, 2002

Amnesty International: Israel/Occupied Territories: Israeli Defence Force war crimes must be investigated Reporting on it... Israel Committed War Crimes in West Bank, Rights Group Says (W.Post) and Amnesty report understates Israeli casualties (J. Post)

Winner announced! Also the loooong list of other entries some of which are fabulous. Link: The Sexiest Sentence Alive (Fireland) (thanks to L for the link)